When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you vodka...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cover Me In Chocolate and Throw Me To The Lesbians

I have tried to tell my mother that dressing up her dog is, frankly, a little weird.  Despite my protests, she still occasionally puts some kind of scarf or whatnot on him.  Other dog owners put their poor companions into cute little raincoats or sweaters or whatever.  But seriously, what's wrong with a good old fashioned funny graphic t-shirt?

If, like me, you enjoy browsing custom t-shirt places online, then you have probably seen the ones with dogs whereing shirts that say things like "bitches love me" or "throw me a bone."

The best part about some of these sites is that they allow you to put any design, even the ones designed for humans, onto any piece of merchandise, including dog shirts.

Like these that say "porn star cleverly disguised as a nurse" or "Trust me, I'm a Rabbi."

Now, Mom, if you are going to insist on dressing Charlie up, I must insist on the "I'd Hump That" one above.  Or, more likely, you might buy the doggie tux one:

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I think the doggie Tux Shirt might work for Charlie.
