When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you vodka...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Disclaimer (So I can refer some idiot back here one day)

Because I know that I will need this at some point:

1. This is my place to put my opinions.
2. Occasionally, I am utterly and totally full of shit.
3. Okay, you got me. Probably more than just "occasionally."
4. I like italics.
5. There will be times when I use this blog in order to bitch about things that I know little or nothing about.
6. Which is perfectly okay, since the First Amendment says I can.
7. I promise I will attempt to be polite when I tell you what I think of your idiotic opinions.
8. But there is no guarantee.
9. Anyone who decides to correct my spelling or grammar in a way that I feel is "douchey," will be forever banned from my blog.
10. This is done for my amusement (and only a select few others) and exists entirely at my whim.

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