When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When life gives you vodka...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good Morning

First I would like to say, I am thrilled that a new blog was created and that I was once again invited to share my emotions publicly.
Second I would like to say, the alternator went out in our car this morning so I am in a fanfuckingtabulous mood.
Neither of these are the reason for my post though. I have had a "gripe" for sometime now and I feel the need to share.
I love having social networks for me to keep up with all my friends. I am nosey. Anyone who knows me will tell you this is a fact. Social networks give me the opportunity to be nosey without having to speak to people who annoy me. What I don't "get" is why on any given day I can wake up and the first five posts of the days are couples announcing their love for their spouse. Guess what, if you married that person I already assume your undying love for them is securely in place. I don't need to read it five times a week. I have never woke up and thought, I wonder if my husband loves me because he never announces it on (facebook, myspace, google plus). Nor have I ever thought, I bet my husband wonders if I care about him, I better go purchase a billboard and tell everyone in the world so he understands my love. Guess what, I don't give a shit who knows if I do or don't love my husband so I am not going to post if for the world to see. If I see you posting your love or how wonderful your spouse is, I assume, you are doing it to make yourself feel better for the shitty relationship you are in and you want people to assume its good. This is also true for, awesome kids posts. Your kids are not awesome. They are brats and I don't give a shit. Here is a thought, lets just say for shits sake, everyone from this day forward can assume that if you are in a relationship, you are in love, and your spouse is awesome. Problem solved, quit posting it. If you find this is no longer the case, there is a solution, divorce. Its like the abortion for marriage.


  1. "Divorce: Its like the abortion for marriage."

    This should be on a t-shirt.

  2. When Ricky gets out we should all buy a t-shirt shop and use your book for material. We can take turns driving everyone to work (because we would allow drinking on the job, it makes for better t-shirt material).
